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  • Two US oil companies will operate more than 3100 miles of oil line pipe

    Date:2016-11-02      View(s):1991      Tag:api line pipe manufacturer,galvanized steel pipe,prime steel pipe

    Two US oil companies will operate more than 3100 miles of oil line pipe...

  • No Investigate Duty Evasion on Steel Pipe from China

    Date:2016-10-27      View(s):2146      Tag:steel pipe, steel pipe maker, steel pipe producer

    Last Week, the Federal authorities have declined to investigate allegations made by a U.S. manufacturers that Chinese makers of steel pipe used in solar racking are evading import tariffs. ...

  • US Steel Pipe Makers Compliaint Chineses Unfiar Trade Pipe

    Date:2016-10-26      View(s):1940      Tag:steel pipe, steel pipe maker, steel pipe producer

    The US steel pipe manufacturer has filed formal allegations about the Chinese steel pipe manufacturer are evading high import duties to supply the material for solar PV foundations. ...

  • No Investigate Duty Evasion on Steel Pipe from China

    Date:2016-10-23      View(s):2127      Tag:steel pipe, structural steel pipe, steel pipe makers

    large US steel pipe maker has expresses its sincere disappointment that CBP has decided NOT to investigate its allegation of duty evasion of imports of Chinese structural steel pipe. ...

  • US Steel Pipe Makers Compliaint Chineses Unfiar Trade Pipe

    Date:2016-10-23      View(s):1982      Tag:steel pipe, steel pipe maker, structural steel pipe

    The US steel pipe manufacturer has filed formal allegations about the Chinese steel pipe manufacturer are evading high import duties to supply the material for solar PV foundations. ...

  • EU Restarts Chinese Seamless Pipe Anti-dumping Investigation

    Date:2016-09-24      View(s):2417      Tag:seamless pipe, seamless steel pipe, seamless pipe anti-dumping investigation

    September 9, 2016, the European Commision issued a notice that they restart anti-dumping investigation for the origin of seamless steel pipe from China....

  • Korean Mills Compete with Chinese Steel Mills in Southeast Asia

    Date:2016-09-17      View(s):2224      Tag:hot rilled steel, cold rolled steel

    Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA) data showed that during Jan to July, South Korea hot rolled coil and cold rolled coil exports has significantly increased in Southeast Asia. ...

  • Response to the US Dumping Preliminary Ruling

    Date:2016-09-16      View(s):2103      Tag:stainless steel products, anti-dumping investigation, anti-dumping measures

    Chinses iron and steel enterprises strongly dissafisfied the the US approach, the Chinses government will take all necessay measures to safeguard the interests of enterprises. ...

  • US Perliminary Ruling Chinese Stainless Products Export Constitute Dump

    Date:2016-09-15      View(s):2150      Tag:stainless steel products, anti-dumping investigation, anti-dumping measures

    US Department of Commerce published the preliminary statement on the 12th local time, determed that the Chinese imports of stainless steel sheet and strips constitute dumping. ...

  • International Steel Market Price Summary

    Date:2016-09-14      View(s):2106      Tag:steel market price, international steel market price, market price summary

    International steel market price summary on September 14, 2016...

  • Korean Steel Mills Respond the US Anti-dumping

    Date:2016-09-13      View(s):2367      Tag:steel mills, korean steel mills

    Faced with the increasing cases of United States Anti-dumping for exports from South Korea, Korea Chamber of Commerce jointly US Law Firm and a local YulchonLLC Law Firm is take a seminar to provide free guidance for the Korean small and medium steel enterprises to deal with the US anti-dumping....

  • August 2016 Average Daily Production of Crude Steel is 2.212 Million Tons

    Date:2016-09-12      View(s):2119      Tag:crude steel production, crude steel output, iron production, iron output

    August 2016 average daily production of crude steel is 2.212 million tons, representing an increase of 2.6% in July...

  • Xi Jinping G20 Speech: Reduce Crude Steel Production Capacity

    Date:2016-09-04      View(s):2164      Tag:G20 Hangzhou Summit 2016, crude steel production capacity, reduce production cacacity

    President Xi Jinping delviered a speech at the 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit meeting. In the speech, it includes China will use five-year period to reduce the crude steel production capacity from 100 million to 150 million tons....

  • Vietnam Anti-dumping Galvanized Coil from China

    Date:2016-09-03      View(s):2682      Tag:anti-dumping, import tax, hot dip galvanized coil

    Vietnam Competition Authority has final determed the anti-dumping tax rate for imports hot dip galvanized coil from China....

  • Chinese Steel Export Market Analysis

    Date:2016-09-03      View(s):2002      Tag:steel market, steel export market, Chinese steel export market

    This week, the international steel market is stable generally. ...

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