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  • Why Use Welded Pipe

    Date:2016-07-23      View(s):1960      Tag:structural welded pipe, LSAW steel pipe, erw steel pipe, spiral welded pipe

    Structural welded pipe (tubing) can be used for a wide variety of mechanical applications. It may be used either statically or dynamically....

  • Usage Notes for Flange Product

    Date:2016-07-26      View(s):2007      Tag:flange, flange product, pipe fitting

    Notes for flange product use: In order to prevent corrosion of eye is generated due to a flange cover heating, welding current should keep shoulds not be too big....

  • Advantages and Applications of Carbon Steel Pipe

    Date:2016-07-20      View(s):2112      Tag:steel pipe, steel tube, carbon steel pipe advantages

    Carbon steel pipe is one of the most popular piping materials in the world. And for good reason: it has many advantageous characteristics....

  • The Advantages to use Galvanized Pipe

    Date:2016-07-19      View(s):2141      Tag:zinc coated, inexpensive protection, galvanized steel pipe

    Galvanized pipe is pipe that has been coated with a layer of zinc. This coating protects the pipe from corrosion and rust, leading to increased longevity and enhanced reliability....

  • Safety Tips for the Removal of Steel Tubular Scaffolding

    Date:2016-07-14      View(s):2080      Tag:safety tips to remove scaffolding, scaffolding remove

    Before remove the steel pipe scaffold, should be according to the examination and approval of the scaffolding design and approval procedures. ...

  • Steel Pipe Pricing And Advantages

    Date:2016-07-13      View(s):2066      Tag:price of steel pipe, advantages of steel pipe, steel pipe supplier

    Steel Pipe Pricing And Advantages Steel piping is a popular material in so many industries–from oil to automobiles, from shipping to food, from schools to hospitals and refineries....

  • The Benefits of Seamless Steel Pipe

    Date:2016-07-08      View(s):2165      Tag:seamless, seamless steel pipe, seamless steel pipe supplier

    The seamless steel pipe manufacturing process starts with a solid, round steel billet....

  • The Advantages of Rectangular Tube

    Date:2016-06-29      View(s):3831      Tag:rectangular tube, rectangular steel tube, advantages of rectangular tube

    Rectangular tube is fire resistant and does not warp, twist, split, swell or shrink. It resists dry rot and mildew, termites and carpenter ants....

  • How to make the pipe fittings more resistant

    Date:2016-06-22      View(s):1995      Tag:carbon steel pipe fitting, steel pipe fitting, pipe fitting

    When a piping project not works well, the steel pipes and pipe fittings are always facing the wear resistant problem ,especially when some impurity, sands,slurry in the flowing liquid ...

  • Requirements and Measures of Scaffolding Fireproof

    Date:2016-06-20      View(s):2133      Tag:scaffolding pipe, scaffolding tube, scaffolding pipe supplier

    Various types of scaffolding fire should work closely with the construction site fire protection and measures should primarily do the following....

  • More about Seamless Pipe Sizes

    Date:2016-06-18      View(s):2070      Tag:seamless steel pipe size, seamless steel pipe supplier, seamless steel pipe

    Seamless Piping are popular in everywhere, commercial buildings, industrial plants and even homes. ...

  • The Advantages of Galvanized Pipe Fittings

    Date:2016-06-17      View(s):1922      Tag:galvanized pipe fittings, advantages of galvanized pipe fittings, pipe fittings

    When comes to galvanized steel pipes, fittings and other structures, strong and desirable in different situations. We can find a lot of advantages in pipes and fittings. ...

  • Why is the Galvanized Steel Pipe better than Other Pipe?

    Date:2016-06-15      View(s):2040      Tag:anti-corrosion, anti-dust, hot dipped galvanized steel pipe

    The cleaning process which the hot dipped galvanized steel pipe uses is far more special in the combination use of the solutions, including the ammonium chloride, zinc chloride or the mixed solutions of both. ...

  • The Uses of Scaffolding

    Date:2016-06-13      View(s):2059      Tag:scaffolding pipe, scaffolding tube, scaffolding pipe supplier

    Scaffolding, also called scaffold or staging, is a temporary structure used to support a work crew and materials to aid in the construction, maintenance and repair of buildings, bridges and all other man made structures. ...

  • Drainage Pipeline

    Date:2016-05-08      View(s):1932      Tag:drainage pipeline, drainage pipeline supplier, drainage pipeline manufacturer

    Drainage pipeline refers to collection systems that discharge sewage, wastewater and stormwater drainage pipes and ancillary facilities composed. ...

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