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Spiral Welded Pipe Classification
Date:2016-03-18      View(s):2495      Tag:spiral welded pipe, spirally welded pipe, spiral steel pipe, spiral welded steel pipe

Spiral Welded Pipe can be applied in different area. Generally, it is widely applied for fluid service, ordinary structure, line pipe and casing. In the steel industry, we classified different steel pipe standards for different application. For detailed classification, please see the table below:

Main Products
1. Spirl Welded Pipe for Fluid Service
 GB/T 14291
 Welded pipe for mine fluid sevice
 GB/T 3091
 Welded pipe for low pressure fluid service
 SY/T 5037
 Spirally submerged arc welded steel pipe for pipelines for low pressure fluid service
 Black and hot-hipped galvanized welded and seamless steel pipe
 BS EN10217-2
 Welded steel tybes for pressure purposes - delivery technical conditions - part2: Electric welded non- alloy and alloy  steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties
 BS EN10217-5
 Welded steel tybes for pressure purposes - delivery technical conditions - part5: submerged arc welded non-alloy  and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties
2. Spiral Welded Pipe for Ordinary Structure
 GB/T 13793
 Longitudinally electric resistance welded steel pipe
 SY/T 5040
 Spirally submerged arc welded steel pipe piles
 ASTM A252
 Welded and seamless steel pipe piles
 BS EN10219-1 
 Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - part1: Technical delivert  conditions
 BS EN10219-2
 Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - part2: tolerances dimmsions and  sectional properties
3. Spiral Welded Pipe for Line Pipe
 GB/T 9711.1
 Steel pipe for pipeline transportation system of petroleum and natural gas industries(Class A steel pipe)
 GB/T 9711.2
 Steel pipe for pipeline transportation system of petroleum and natural gas industries(Class B steel pipe)
 API 5L PSL1/2
 Line pipe
4. Spiral Welded Pipe for Casing
 API 5CT/ ISO  11960 PSL1
 Steel pipe for use as casing or tubing for wells of petroleum and natural gas industries

Products Category