August 2016 Average Daily Production of Crude Steel is 2.212 Million Tons
Date:2016-09-12 View(s):2071 Tag:crude steel production, crude steel output, iron production, iron output
National Bureau of Statistics Showed:
August 2016 average daily production of crude steel is 2.212 million tons, representing an increase of 2.6% in July. The average daily production of steel is 3.158 million tons. The average daily output of steel is 1.942 million tons. The crude steel output in August 2016 is 68.57 million tons, with increasing rate of 3.0%, During Janurary to August, Chinese crude steel output is 536.32 million tons which is down 0.1%. The production of steel in August 2016 is 60.19million tons, which is up to 3.6%. During January and August 2016, the iron output is 469.16 million tons which is down 0.8%. In August 2016, the production of iron is 97.91 million tons with an increasing rate of 4.0%. During January to August, China's steel output is 755.11 million tons with an increasing rate of 2.2%.