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Common Fault ERW Steel Pipe Unit
Date:2016-08-05      View(s):1971      Tag:erw steel pipe, erw steel pipe unit, erw steel pipe production unit

Fault erw steel pipe unit is relatively more, and the cause of the failure is also more complex, the result is often caused by a variety of reasons, can be caused by several reasons or a result.

Scratch Tube welding machine appeared scratches caused mainly by two parts, one guide means, and second extrusion welding mechanism.
Squeeze roller scratches caused, mainly in the bottom of the tube, because generally have the following points:
(1) Does not match the pass
Weld extruded structure has two roll, three-roll and four-roll type, as long as the combination of the hole do not match, it is likely to cause the tube surface scratches, especially two roll structures. Factors that do not fit and pass a lot, a two-roll structure as an example, such as bearing damage; roller axial movement; pass sample sizes; two roller height position is not the same; shaft bending and assembly of instability and so on.
(2) Height match
Squeeze roll pass the lower edge should roll
Thread highly consistent, while the height of the guide rollers is determined by the tube wall thickness. If the height of the guide rolls down to a certain limit, the squeezing roll groove rounded edges will cause scratches on the bottom of the tube, especially after extrusion roll groove R rounded sharpened, scratch it more likely to occur.
(3) Lack of pressure on the squeeze squeeze rollers
In particular, the structure of the two rollers squeeze roller device, when the lack of pressure on the squeeze, the tube under tension, the roller will appear on the elevation, so prominent rounded grooved edge R, resulting in a lower portion of the tube scratch. When the squeeze roll groove R rounded sharpened, it will increase the occurrence of scratch accident.

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