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Seamless Steel Tube Classification
Date:2016-10-20      View(s):2026      Tag:seamless pipe, seamless steel pipe, in stock seamless pipe

Seamless Steel Tube Classification
1. Seamless steel tube for structural purposes. Mainly used for general structure and mechanical structure. 
2. Seamless steel tube for conveying fludes. Mainly used in engineering and large equipment on the transmission fluid piping.
3. Seamless steel tube for low and medium pressure boilers. Mainly used for industrial boilers and low pressure medium life of the boiler flud pipeline.
4. Seamless steel tubes for high pressure boilers. Mainly used for power station and nuclear power plant boiler high temperature, high pressure transmission fluid tank and pipeline.
5. Marine carbon steel and carbon manganese steel seamless pipe. Mainly used for ship boiler and superheater with I, II pressure pipe. 
6. Seamless steel tubes for high pressure chemical fertilizer equipment. Mainly used for conveying high temperature and high pressure fluid pipelines on fertilizer equipment.
7. Seamless steel tube for petroleum cracking. Mainly used for oil refineries, boilers, heat exchangers and transport fluid pipelines.
8. Seamless steel tubes for gas cylinders. Mainly used in the production of gas, hydraulic cylinders.
9. Hot rolled seamless steel tubes for hydraulic supports. Mainly used in the production of coal mine hydraulic support and cylinder, column, and other hydraulic cylinders, columns. 
10. High pressure seamless steel tubes for diesel engines. Mainly used for diesel injection system high-pressure tubing.
11. Precision cold drawn or cold rolled seamless steel tubes.  Mainly used for mechanical structure, carbon pressure equipment, requiring high dimensional accuracy, surface finish good steel pipe. 
12. Cold drawn seamless steel pipe shaped steel pipe.  Mainly used in the production of various structural parts and parts, the material for high-quality carbon structural steel and low-alloy structural steel.
13. Precision inner diameter seamless steel tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders. Mainly used for the production of hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder with precision diameter diameter of the cold drawn or cold-rolled seamless steel tubes. 
14. Stainless steel seamless tubes for boilers and heat exchangers. Mainly used in chemical industry boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, catalytic tubes. With high temperature, high pressure, corrosion-resistant steel pipe.
15. Seamless steel tubes for structural purposes. Mainly used for the general structure (hotels, restaurants decoration) and the chemical structure of enterprises with the resistance to atmospheric, acid corrosion and has a certain strength of the steel. 
16. Seamless Steel Tubes for fluids conveyance. Mainly used for conveying corrosive media pipes. 
17. Seamless steel tube for automotive axle bushings. Mainly used for the production of automotive axle casing and drive axle axle casing with high-quality carbon structural steel and alloy structural steel hot-rolled seamless steel pipe.
18. Casing and tubing. API  is the American Petroleum Institute (American Petreleum Instiute referred to as "API") prepared and released in the world GM. Among them: casing: from the surface into the drilling, as the wall lining the pipe, the pipe connection between the coupling. The main material is J55, N80, P110 and other steel grades, as well as anti-hydrogen sulfide corrosion C90, T95 and other steel grades. The low steel grade (J55, N80) can be welded steel pipe. Tubing: from the surface into the casing tube to the oil layer, the pipe between the coupling or through the whole connection. Its role so that the oil pumping unit will be oil pipelines transported to the ground. The main material is J55, N80, P110, and anti-hydrogen sulfide corrosion of C90, T95 and other steel grades. The low steel grade (J55, N80) can be welded steel pipe.
19. Line Pipe  is the shaft out of the ground of oil, gas or water, piped through the pipeline to the oil and gas industry enterprises. Pipeline pipe, including seamless and welded pipe, the pipe end has a flat end, with threaded end and socket end; its connection for the end of welding, couplings, socket connections. The main material of the tube is B, X42, X56, X65, X70 and other steel grades. API 5L is prepared and published by the American Petroleum Institute, common in the rest of the world.

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