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Chile Issued the Final Ruling of Anti-dumping Investigation on China’s Wire Rod
Date:2017-05-05      View(s):1853      Tag:anti-dumping investigation, wire rod
April 22, 2017, the Chilean Ministry of Finance issued a notice, from now on, Chile will levy the final anti-dumping duties on China's wire rod, valid for one year. Tax numbers of involved products is 72132000, 72139110, 72139120, 72139190, 72139900, 72271000, 72272000 and 72279000. Specific methods of taxation are as follows:

1. Impose 28.8% ad valorem tax on BenxiBeitaiGaosuSteelWireRod;
2. Impose 30.8% ad valorem tax on JiangsuShagang company;

3. Impose 38% ad valorem tax on the other Chinese companies.   

                                                                                                                                                                                             -- Prime Steel Pipe

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