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Turkey Steel Imports from China Increased Substantially by 284%.
Date:2015-07-31      View(s):2401      Tag:steel imports, steel pipe imports, steel imports from China, steel pipe imports from China

Due to the surging steel imports from China, in the first quarter of 2015, Turkey steel manufacturers urged the Government to take back against Chinese steel safeguards. In first quarter of 2015, Turkey steel imports from China increased substantially by 284%. Meanwhile,Turkey steel consumption rose 9%. This indicates that the first quarter Turkey steel demand growth is almost entirely met by imports, especially from China Steel. Since millions of Chinese steel imports have caused damages to the local steel industry, Turkey steel manufacturers urged industry, Turkey steel manufacturers urged the Government to take back against Chinese steel safeguards. If left unchecked, this year, China is likely to become Turkey's main steel supplier. According to statistics, the first quarter Turkey export 4.35 million tons of steel,up down 7.6%,  the ratio of exports and imports fell to 103:100 from 137:100 last year. Turkey Ministry of economy has opened an anti-dumping investigation 7 coil imports at the end of January to China, Russia, and Japan, and France and the Ukraine, and Romania and Slovakia. Some of the country's exports have been fairly cautious, while China continued to increase exports.

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